About this Episode
In this episode Project Management Paradise Johnny selects the key points from Episode 30 to 40.
The second part of this two part series will feature highlights from Episode 41 to 50 and can be accessed here.
Next Friday the 23rd of June, Project Management Paradise will be back to it’s regular format.
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Links to the full episodes of Project Management Paradise referred to in this edition can be found below.
Episode 40: How to deal with uncertainty in Agile Project Management with Emma Sharrock. 30/03/2017
Episode 39: Building Project Management Relationships and collecting feedback with Susanne Madsen. 24/03/2017
Episode 38: How to visualise your work so that you can say no with Johanna Rothman. 17/03/2017
Episode 37: Project Management for Kids, Project Vision and Project Timing with Gary Nelson. 10/03/2017
Episode 36: Techniques to help us learn from our projects with Jonathan Norman. 02/03/2017
Episode 35: The importance of Training & Education for Effective Project Management with Caitriona Gately. 24/02/2017
Episode 34: Fast Projects with Fergus OConnell. 17/02/2017
Episode 33: Cora Client Case Study with Joe Ryan from the Health Service Executive (HSE) in Ireland. 10/02/2017
Episode 32: Projects are People with Dr Jim Lewis from the Lewis Institute. 03/02/2017.
Episode 31: The importance of a well-defined Project Scope with Patrick Kennerson from Bulldog Consulting. 27/01/2017
Episode 30: Critical differences between project success and Project Management Success with Rich Maltzman from EarthPM.com . 20/01/2017