Earned Value Management

Cora’s Earned Value Management (EVM) functionality enables you to evaluate a project’s progress by giving you the tools to compare planned costs and schedules with actual outcomes.

Benefits of Cora’s Earned Value Management

Progress Visualisation Icon Pink and Purple

Visualize a Project’s Progress

Display earned value management (EVM) metrics graphically using dynamic and intuitive dashboards that roll up to portfolio level, enabling the project team and senior management to visualize a project’s progress against performance measurement baselines (PMBs).

Pink and purple gradient calendar icon

Evaluate Actions and Dependencies

Evaluate actions, dependencies, responsibilities and changes to project registers with functionality that highlights schedule variances (SVs) and cost variances (CVs).

pink and purple gradient icon of coins stacked

Compare Schedule and Cost Indices

Easily track and review the performance of projects by comparing schedule and cost performance indices (CPI & SPI) with planned value (PV) costs, budget at completion (BAC) costs and estimate at completion (ETC) costs.

pink and purple gradient of line graph icon

Combine EVM with Other Functionalities

Combining EVM with other Cora functionalities to produce predictions and forecasts that are fact-based and governed by an acknowledged set of defined rules, giving you that single source of objective truth.

pink and purple gradient icon of 3 rectangular boxes stacked on top of one another with an arrow pointing up and right to the left

Explore What-if Scenarios

Explore what-if scenarios to visualize trade-offs from possible changes to cost and schedule, using the Scenario Planning tools and Cora’s Strategic Portfolio Management module.

pink and purple gradient icon

Meet All Compliance Requirements

Gain the confidence to know that you can comfortably meet all compliance requirements around GovCon projects, many of which depend on working within EVM parameters and producing EVM metrics.

Watch This Video

See how Cora PPM helps you reduce costs and schedule delays with comprehensive EVM functionality.


Reduce Deviation on OpEx and Large CapEx Projects

Prevent cost and schedule overruns using the comprehensive suite of EVM tools to monitor any gaps between planned and actual costs.
EVM Dashboard Image Cora PPM Software

Want to See Cora in Action?

Cora PPM Software Laptop and Mobile Image

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Earned Value Management FAQs

What is Earned Value Management?

Earned Value Management (EVM) is a methodology that allows you to compare where a project was supposed to be in terms of costs and schedule, and where it is at any moment in time, in a way that’s objective and universally accepted.

What are the benefits of using Cora’s EVM?

  • It gives you internationally recognized PMI performance metrics.
  • You can visualize performance metrics and take corrective action.
  • You can objectively measure performance using financial data based on the project Gannt/WBS (work breakdown structure).

Learn more

What measurements can you track using Cora’s EVM?

You can review schedule and cost performance indices (CPI and SPI), Planned Value (PV) costs, budget at completion (BAC) and any actions, dependencies and changes on project registers.

What types of effort and EV techniques are supported?

Our module supports all effort types; discrete, apportioned and level of effort, and divides ‘discreet’ into 6 categories;

  • 0–100
  • 50–50
  • XX–YY (A custom version of 50–50)
  • Incremental milestone
  • Percent complete
  • Units complete

What kind of reports does Cora’s EVM support?

It’s designed to support IPMDAR data feeds and reporting requirements.