Company Overview
Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust provides health and wellbeing services for a population of around 1.4 million people. The services provided include community services such as community nursing, health visiting, podiatry, sexual health and dentistry, as well as inpatient and community mental health services.
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”We are really keen to try and drive our organization towards moving away from the PDF document produced once a month, to a dashboard that is actually live and there and Cora is perfectly capable of helping us achieve that”. Michael Orchard: Programme Assurance Manager – Lancashire care NHS Foundation Trust
Benefits that Cora PPM Delivers
- Cora PPM allows Lancashire NHS to drill down and get the information they need to understand where milestones and tasks are at
- Any element in Cora is a data point and becasue it is a data point Lancashire can always see a dashboard on where those data points are
- Cora PPM allows them to check on what risks could occur and what financial issues could arise
Further Insights
Learn more about Cora Systems PPM Tool here.
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